Jasmine Asynchronous Specs
I'll start out by saying that I'm a huge Jasmine fan. I have been working with it exclusively for testing during the last few months. However, it has become common knowledge that Jasmine's built-in methods for testing async code are pretty weak and make for either lots of boilerplate, or fragile tests.
Let's go on a journey together from a small greenfield test suite through to a full(er) set of specs as the project grows. I will walk through how I came to implement a jasmine test extension for simplifying asynchronous specs which I believe is a more holistic approach than I've seen anywhere else.
The few key differences you should note about the final solution are that it:
- Allows for fail-fast tests without breaking the waitsFor callback when an exception is thrown,
- Provides a simple mechanism to wrap async methods so their exceptions are caught and reported correctly,
- Doesn't require any different syntax than a Jasminaut is used to (less refactoring).
I wrote a post a few months ago which, at the time, dealt with my asynchronous woes enough to keep me going. To quickly re-cap check out the small snippet below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | describe "My Functionality", ->
it "should behave as expected", ->
collection = new Backbone.Collection()
success: -> runs -> # <-- the magic.
# something ridiculous
do candy.eat
As you can see, I am now executing the callback function as part of a jasmine runs() block. This causes the test to run the callback within the scope of the jasmine environment, thus being able to report on the failed specs. This solution worked for me for a while until I needed to write some integration tests for a complex data controller. This process allowed me to find find a weakness in the runs method: if the callback is never called the test will pass anyway -- false positives make it tough to track down problems, and reduce your confidence in the suite, making you test less, pushing you to break your software.
The first iteration of the solution was to implement an itMust method for Jasmine. This provides a complete argument to the spec which it must call in order for the test to pass. Here's the runner, and a sample of what the specs look like with itMust in use.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | itMust = (desc, test) ->
# create a new spec
spec = jasmine.getEnv().it desc
# run the test function passing it a callback that indicates success
spec.runs ->
complete = new sinon.spy
test.apply spec, [ complete ]
runs ->
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | describe "My DataController", ->
itMust "return results to the dataset", (complete) ->
# the application is actually automatically injected and torn down
# but that's another post.
app = new TestApplication
# create a query
query = app.datacontroller.createQuery(...)
# fetch the query results from the datacontroller
ds = query.dataSet
# when the datSet is reset, there should be results.
ds.on 'reset', -> runs ->
expect(ds.recordCount).toBeGreaterThan 0
# respond leverages sinon's fake xmlhttprequest mocking so we can control
# server responses.
From here I was able to build out the test suite for the data controller without running into too much trouble. However, it still required that you use the runs() block syntax on any asynchronous function, and leaving one out could cause unfortunate results. Again, having tests pass when they should fail makes the test suite useless. It was time to look into extending or replacing this testing solution.
Examining The Options
After being frustrated by my situation, I stumbled across Derick Bailey's solution: Jasmine.Async. He tries to solve this problem in the suite with a new optional testing object called AsyncSpec. In a nutshell, his approach was to instantiate an AsyncSpec object for each test and wrap the spec in a waitsFor -> runs sequence that causes the spec to stall until the callback is called -- then allows it to continue on to the next jasmine block.
I had a few problems with this solution which enticed me to create a new/better one which is loosely based on Derick's approach and works for me. The biggest pain points for me with Jasmine.Async were:
- I had to re-write all of my tests to use his approach of wrapping async actions in the beforeEach function,
- It introduced a new AsyncSpec object that I didn't want to have to instantiate for all of the specs, thus creating additional boilerplate,
- And when a test failed, it would wait the full 5000ms timeout that waitsFor defaults to before a test failed if the done callback was never fired.
This slowed testing to a crawl because running a failing test suite went from taking 1 second, up to (5x + 1)s. This can take entire minutes in some cases.
Further information on why slow tests are bad, and good testing in general: Mark Seemann && Gary Bernhardt
The other option which many have suggested, is migrating tests over to Mocha. Since Mocha has async testing nailed down, not to mention some really sexy test runners (more on this in another blog post). Switching testing utilities at this point in the project wasn't really an option for me, as it would require rewriting hundreds of specs, as well as all of the development tools that compile the test runner and run them in phantomjs (my headless webkit of choice). If I were to greenfield a new project, this will definitely be a project to look at, but some of us have to make the best with we have.
Without further ado ...
The Codes
Now that the journey has been laid out, I'll share the destination as well. My solution is (I believe) a more natural approach to writing these specs than other options allow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | describe "My DataController", ->
# Just use `asyncIt` instead of `it`
asyncIt "should return results to the dataset", (complete) ->
app = new TestApplication
query = app.datacontroller.createQuery(...)
ds = query.dataSet
ds.on 'reset', ->
expect(ds.recordCount).toBeGreaterThan 0
Now that's what I'm talking about -- looks just like a regular jasmine spec should, no hacks or anything. Specs run and fail just as they should. It also provides an asyncBlock function generator that you can use to wrap a callback the same way that the runs() block does which will provide additional details on exceptions that get thrown while the test gets run. Otherwise, exceptions are reported generally and immediately.
Below, I have included my jasmine-async.coffee testing utility which is a pruned version of what I am using in production so I can demonstrate the simplest version possible. You can take the code below and run with it; hopefully making your asynchronous testing a little smoother than it was before. <Gist>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | @asyncIt = (desc, test) ->
spec = jasmine.getEnv().it desc
__spy = jasmine.createSpy("async spy")
__done = no
_NATIVE_ERR = window.onerror
spec.runs ->
# any async test must call this function in order to pass. This function is
# passed in as the first argument to the spec that gets run.
complete = (failed) ->
# restore the error handler to allow for the chrome console to catch the
# errors once everyone has been restored.
window.onerror = _NATIVE_ERR
__done = yes
if failed is undefined
# continue bubbling the error to the error console
throw failed
# Fail specs when async internals fail.
window.onerror = (e, _, line) ->
er = new Error "#{e}"
er.stack = "Trace Unavailable, Check console for detailed message. (use @asyncBlock for async callbacks in tests)"
spec.fail er
complete e
# latch an async block function that will allow for better error reporting
# within tests themselves, as well as failing quickly when things go wrong
# by calling out to complete()
spec.asyncBlock = (f) ->
f.apply spec, arguments
catch e
spec.fail e
complete e
# start off the test suite, reduce test boilerplate by kicking off the
# session loading before the test starts, and wrapping the insides in a
# spec failer and reporter.
test.apply spec, [ complete ]
catch e
spec.fail e
complete e
# wait for done to be set to `yes` (happens when complete() is called.
waitsFor -> __done
# finally, make sure the test ended up calling the complete() function. It
# times out after ~5 sec if none of the other error handling catches a
# problem with the test.
runs ->
(expect __spy).toHaveBeenCalled "Async Complete() never called."